Before joining CUHK in 2023, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics and a visiting scholar at Tencent AI Lab and Johns Hopkins University.
My research interets are computer vision, video understanding and their applications in meidical image analysis and surgical robots.
I'm looking for motivated research assistants interetsed in surgical video analysis. If that sounds like you, feel free to reach out via email.
This work is an extension of our CVPR 2019 paper. I recommend the ablation study section. Our approach achieved decent performance after just one training epoch.
This work is inspired by the observation that human visual system is sensitive to video pace, e.g., slow motion, a widely used technique in film making.
Temporal encoded kinematics features are proposed for action recognition, which compute the linear velocity and orientation displacement based on human skeleton data.
This is an editor invitation paper. A brief review is presented to introduce our recent works on machine intelligence for real-world applications of robots. One technology leads to a startup company VisionNav.
A caring robot is developed to detect dangerous behavior of children in the domestic environment based on action recognition and object recognition technologies.
Before PhD
During my undergraduate study, I was lucky enough to work with Prof. Wei Li on a defense–intrusion interaction optimization problem. This work is published in a Tier 1 applied mathematics journal.
An optimal interception strategy of the defender is provided with interpretations of its physical meaning, which depends on relative mobility of the intruder and defender.